Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy New Year!

We celebrated coming back to school and the new year by engaging in some Chinese New Year activities such as drinking tea, eating rice, sampling fortune cookies and making a wish with a penny.
Last week's pictures will combine the M/W/F and T/Th classes in the interest of time.

We compared what the rice looked and felt like before and after it was cooked.  Below, Lilya enjoys her rice with our kid-friendly chopstick - she did a great job!

Some of us found that the rice was sticky and stuck like velcro to our clothes.  Elliott thought this was pretty funny.

Owen enjoying his tea. . .

Santa brought us a fun new pretend pizza to play with!

We made New Year's noise-makers with Jack...

and cut up confetti to throw at the end of the day - our own New Year's party!

We also enjoyed making popcorn with Jill's new popcorn maker.  We noticed how the popcorn sure looks different before you pop it and it is fun to watch it pop!  It was a nice, warm snack that day. 

Everyone also received a special coin to put in their treasure box.

I also observed a lot of growth in the children tending more towards some representational drawing...

They love the big paper!

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