Thursday, April 25, 2013

Welcome to the "Milestones Cafe"!

Oh, we've had so much fun establishing our own wait staff, cooks and menu!  Below, Summer takes Noe's order with a pen and pad.  "Order up!" Bridget gets the order to serve from Jane.

Summer is wearing her "cook hat" and Anders made sure everyone had enough water and catsup!

Thank you for letting us serve you!

We read the Max and Ruby story, Bunny Money and then made our own, so we had funds to pay at the cafe...

We made our own menus...

Colin really loved pouring the water for the patrons.


The M/W group turned the whole morning into, "cafe" and then, "now it's time to go to sleep".  Bridget takes such good care of the babies - she was rocking back and forth!

Jane generated a wonderful sounding recipe that we later called, "Cherry Surprise":  cherries with whip cream and crumbled graham crackers!

The T/Th group took a simpler route and made plain, butter and PB graham crackers for their "special of the day" at our cafe.

And thanks for bringing in the coins!  We counted and sorted them...

Hey, our beans are finally growing!  And we did experiments on "coloring" daisies.

After the snow subsided, we had all this ice to play with!  Cool. . .

And a bit of mud to play with, too...


Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Little Indoor Gardening . . .

Above, Colin plans a garden and below we planted beans!

We read Sandra Cisneros' sweet book about the different types of hair a little girls' family had.

We had to look in the mirror to remember if our hair was straight or curly, etc.

We have enjoyed our new water table!

We did a little yoga . . .

This week we made pretend gardens too.

The children have enjoyed experimenting with dot to dot pictures.

More SNOW.  Bridget's "movie star" outfit . . .(calling her agent..?)

We read a dear story by the author of Goodnight Moon, The Important Book.  Later we made a list of things we think are important - I thought their ideas were really great!

Fort-making time on a Friday!

And GAK is back!

We got the ruler and the unifix out one day to measure items.  Below, Colin measures the length of his dear Bunny.

We entered the classroom Monday to find one of our tables missing!  Although we were perplexed, the kids had no problem using the extra floor space!