A Farm Field Trip
The MWF group enjoyed a field trip to the Compass Montessori Farm School, at the foot of North Table Mountain in Golden. This school has an onsite farm with a garden and animals. The middle and high school students work on the farm as an integral part of their school lunch and curriculum. Below, the children follow Farmer Brian on a tour of the green house, some lettuce and kale to their left.
Hello, Alpaca! The school sheers these llamas and uses their wool to knit with!
Chickens lay their eggs . . .
And what farm is complete without some pigs!
We found the goats to be as friendly as dogs . . . they craved a little petting. The school uses their milk to make their own cheese.
Later we walked over to the park for lunch and some playground fun.
We then set out for a hike. See the four deer ahead of the children?
Jack thoroughly enjoyed scanning the ground for bugs and dandelions.
The T/Th gang created a birds nest with found items . . .
We then went outside and gathered rocks to paint as "eggs."
Molly showed everyone how to draw a rainbow.
We updated our scrapbooks this week.
Colin and Jack created a building together.

We read Dr. Seuss' Foot Book. It has nice early-reader predictable text and fun rhyming. We then traced our feet and decorated them, "Dr. Seuss style."

We also reflected about our farm field trip. The goats won out as far as "favorite thing."
With our warmer weather the children can really concentrate on some good outdoor play (see my recent article on the facebook page elaborating on this! www.facebook.com/pages/Milestones-Preschool/492457600828639). Jack enjoys the simplicity of a pile of dirt, below.
Violet has a knack for creating wonderful little worlds in the block area . . .
T/Th talked about ladybugs. What color are they? How many spots do they usually have?
I then threw lots of paper spots into the air for the children to gather up and glue onto their own ladybug.
We also drew spots on ladybugs . . .
Fun with our big cardboard box did not end after it rained on it!
A lovely week!
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