Preschoolers working and playing hard!
The MWF class continued to work hard on their Sound Suits. The children have each brought in items to add to their suits and are very invested in this project!
Colin helped to cut Jill's old bike inner tube into "fringe."

Jill also found her early readers and some of us have been practicing reading skills.
Below, Noe reads a book she colored to Hazel. Good early readers have repetitive text from page to page ("Bows on the curtains." "Bows on the doll.") with illustrations that offer cues for the text,
This time of year as, the children play and interact, I love observing what good friends they are.
We took this picture for Sinh to remember us. Enjoy your new home, Sinh! We will miss you!
The T/Th group had been reading Jack and the Beanstalk. We colored leaves with all different shades of green to add to our paper-constructed beanstalk.
Sinh shared balloons for his 3rd birthday celebration - boy did the kids have FUN with them!
Thank you, Violet, for helping refill our play dough-making supplies. And welcome to T/Th's!
Happy Birthday, Sinh!!
Yummy cupcakes!
We sorted the keys that Jack brought in. They will make a good noise for some of our sound suits, too.
MWF partook in more reading and writing associated with their sound suit project by writing the words to "Hey Diddle, Diddle," the rhyme we decided to perform in our suits.

And Hazel and Jack had a turn to make their own books to read, using pictures of themselves at school.
Jack is SO good at putting the blocks away neatly! Thanks!
Jack shared some delicious Sweet Cow ice cream.
The T/Th group continues to busy themselves with quite a lot of self direction and collaboration. Below they happily draw together.
And they have been engaging in some great and more complicated block building recently!
And, of course, lots and lots of playacting!
We had Sinh's favorite on his last day - toast!
One more (?) day of snow!
We also enjoyed sorting a bunch of rain forest cards into categories of "insect," "animal," and "plant."
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