More Egg Fun and
MWF Sound Suits!
Thank you, Jack for bringing your fun Easter egg-bug book!
Hmmm, what's in the basket. . ?
Aww, fuzzy chicks to take care of!
We made them houses.
Some of them drove the cars . . .
On Friday we made a variety of cooked eggs - Jack is helping to scramble . . .
Joy is cooking!
We also baked eggs in the toaster oven to hard boil them.
Colin discovered he liked scrambled eggs!
We also colored some more eggs . . .

We played a matching game.
The MWF class got ready for their "Hey Diddle, Diddle" sound suit performance!
Each child tried on their own suit that made a variety of sounds when we move.
We danced with our shadows with them . . . The kids did a great job when we performed for our parents!
We made a farm in the blocks.

Both classes had a turn to count and sort (and eat) a handful of jelly beans. We are working on one to one correspondence and counting accurately.
The T/Th group LOVED the shadow play!
Well hello, Princess Molly!
Some great block building!
Violet did some great sorting!
The T/Th group decided to do some group painting. We started with paint brushes and then put on some music and used our hands to color the entire paper!
Lucas loved squirting the paint!
And then we just squinched it up!
Clean up time!
Molly enjoyed lining up her snack and counting - good job!
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