Potions, Pumpkins and Leaves
We began our week with a Halloween-inspired (also science-inspired, by the way!) activity of making "potions"!
We began with very specific instructions to take just one spoonful of each ingredient and mix it with another spoonful to see what happens. The children also needed to ask each other to pass the "ingredients" to each other.
Pretty soon, we needed to see what happened when we combined out potions . . .
This was pretty fun - the kids exclaimed things like, "Look what's happening now!" and "It's turning a different color!" What natural scientists they are!

One group ended up making "pancakes" out of their potion!
We read the fun Mem Fox story, Hattie and the Fox and playacted it throughout the week with plastic farm animals . . .

The fox hides behind a big bush and Hattie first sees his nose, then his two eyes, two ears, etc.
There was something gooey in the kettle at the round table one day . . .
What is that?!
Awwww . . it's Green GAK!
Jane enjoyed reading books to the plastic animals.
We played house under the table again . . .
Bridget was "sick" so Jane took good care of her!
Happy 3rd Birthday, Noe!
We have been taking walks to observe the fall colors and bring back treasures for our treasure boxes!
Jane brought some Halloween-themed books and "read" them to her friends . . .
We played Find-the-Pumpkin.
We are learning how to use water colors.
We also did a lot of sorting this week!
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