"Once upon a time there were three pigs . . ."
We emphasized another familiar story this week, The Three Pigs. The children engaged in many activities to re-enact this story. Below, Bridget plays with our plastic pigs and houses. Joy tries on her pig nose.
The children became aware of all different types of houses. Sticks, bricks, etc...
We play acted the story over and over, which is good language experience!
Another "pig" story, If You Give a Pig a Pancake, inspired us to make pancakes one day . . .

Noe shared some shells from Hawaii.
Bridget and Colin enjoyed painting together. . .
We took a walk to observe the changes in colors of the leaves . . .
. . . and we ran in that puddle, one . . more . . time . . !
When we returned with some leaves we made an autumn picture together.
Good conversations are happening at snack time!
I observe the children drawing together a lot lately.
They were busy bees this week!
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