Eggs and Beans!
The week before Spring Break we did many egg-oriented activities. . .
Below, the children enjoy a cheese omelette and toast!

We celebrated a milestone birthday for Jane.
Below, we made our own little library. The children made their own library cards and spent a long time play acting "library" - you can check out 3 books at a time!

Nabil enjoys a cupcake for Jane's birthday. . .
And this week we began with play acting the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Below, Joy holds the "Magic Beans."
We had the props for the giant's gold and the goose that laid the golden egg.
Joy, as Jack, stealing the treasure from the giant (Jane).
Below, Colin's turn to be the giant - he loved saying, "Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum!"
We also drew pictures of the story - wow - look how great the kids are doing at depicting representational objects! Below, Colin drew the beanstalk and Jack.
We took time to draw and cut out leaves to put on our beanstalk that we constructed. . .
We also constructed the castle out of a big box!
This week we also took a walk to see if we could find some green sticking up out of the ground!
After dumping the blocks, Colin contemplates what to build . . .
Summer's mom shared lots of seed packets for us to explore and compare . . .
. . . and we made "mud" out of chocolate pudding and crushed up Oreos!
Thursday we made up our own dot-to-dot pictures.
AND, celebrated another important birthday.
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