Retelling an old story, The Three Bears...
This week we read and re-enacted over and over, the story of The Three Bears.
The children enjoyed verbalizing the story to themselves through our three bears sets and our plastic bears. We also called lots of attention to things that are small, medium and large!
Several children created their own ending to the story, such as Summer's idea that they all made friends and the bears invited Goldilocks to live with them. We questioned a lot about why would a little girl go into a stranger's home (I did give the suggestion that long ago, perhaps it was ok to seek shelter and food if you were lost and hungry). We also talked a lot about the different feelings the bears felt as they found their house disheveled.
We even played the story out in the play dough.
The children really enjoyed using props around the room to play act the story together.
We also worked very hard on adding features to our people pictures...
We used Jill's popper to make popcorn - we observed the difference in how the kernels look before and after popping.
We added our own salt... a learning experience in itself - I emphasized a pinch!
They were elated to see it start popping!
After observing the children enjoy finding pieces of ice on the playground, we played with some colored ice this week.
This became an experiment in absorbency and melting!
When ice becomes water, it's still cold, observes Anders...

Our Thanksgiving "gift" to parents is learning how to set our table...these place mattes will come home this week...

And we made our own porridge!
Everyone ate it up - we even went on a pretend walk to make sure it had cooled!
Porridge . . .
inspired by The Three Bears
3/4 cup Acini di Pepe pasta . 1 and a half cups water. 1 Tblspn butter . 1 egg . 1/4 cup parmesan cheese .
1 Tblspn olive oil .
(and for grown ups: 1 tspn
black truffle oil drizzled on top makes this decadent!)
Cook the pasta at a rolling boil for 10 minutes (until most of liquid is absorbed), turn heat to low, thoroughly mix in butter, mix in egg already beaten, add parmesan, mix vigorously, take off heat, put into small “baby bear size” bowls and top with a drizzle of olive oil (or truffle oil, yum!) And watch out for little curly haired blond girls!
Outside, Summer has found a way to "display" our shovels!
Happy Thanksgiving!
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