Solidifying our learning through a wide variety of related activities . . .
We began our week making pumpkins in a wide variety of ways. Below, paper bag pumpkins required us to stuff a paper bag, get help tying it shut and then mixing colors to paint it.

Above, Summer and Anders were very thorough in painting their pumpkins.
Bridget and Joy enjoyed painting with their hands.
Since Summer missed a day last week, Jane helped her remember our 5 Little Pumpkins song. As the days go by we sing the song, look at the sequencing cards for it, read a book about the pumpkins, make our own book and play act the song with our own play dough pumpkins and our plastic pumpkins. I think everyone knows the song pretty well now!
And we had the opportunity to color our own book of the song to take home.
Look how diligently the kids worked on their books!
We each also got our own little pumpkin to paint and decorate.
Pretty Pumpkins!
The children asked to get out the doctor stuff the other day (below). Jane and Noe played for a long time as patient and doctor.
This then turned into, "let's get cozy on the 'train'. Anders joined in, too.
Summer is great at "reading" stories to herself. She said, "When I don't know what is says, I make something up." Great Summer!
Below, Jane and Anders made a house for the dinosaurs together.

Later, Anders cleaned up the blocks so neatly!!

Thursday we had fun checking out our first snow. Our favorite tree looked pretty snowy (left).
Below the kids liked to "hide" under the tree . . .
Thursday we read the Eric Carle story, Papa, please get the moon for me and then painted our own moon!
Colin loves to sing "This Old Man" so we found the book and read it together!
A very busy and productive week! They are growing so much!