Last week each of us received a hard boiled egg to take care of. We named them and made them a cozy place to rest so they wouldn't break!
it accordingly. . .
Elliott made a car seat for his egg, Tulip, and gave it a ride.
We enjoyed the predictability and rhyming in Dr. Seuss's, Green Eggs and Ham. We also playacted the story . . .

and...endeavored to make our OWN green eggs!
Everyone was excited to crack their own egg.

Scrambled eggs, whether green or not, we found, are quite easy to cook! And...we discovered we DO indeed like green eggs and ham!
Other occurances this week included Kaden enjoying making a stucture with all of the wooden signs...
We did many other egg activities included coloring and painting egg shapes and familiarizing ourselves with the way the word egg is spelled. We enjoyed hiding and opening and closing the colorful plastic eggs. Elliott discovered they make great instruments, too! We also dyed many eggs (sorry the pictures didn't turn out!).
Karsten concentrated nicely on a block tower.
Zoe likes to line up and count the little bears...
Our Amarylis continues to grow tall!
Our stuffed bunny led us on a game of finding some treats...
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