Getting to know each other
Getting to know the routines . . .
The children work together to try to figure out how to put the blocks away...
The children are learning a pride for their environment as they take part in caring for our materials. Below, Colin helps to fill up our salt supply!
We help to wipe off the white board at the end of the day...

Bridget volunteered to sweep up her mess! And Noe demonstrates good hand-washing technique.
We engaged in more Humpty Dumpty activities. Below the children make a face for him.
Colin uses a two-handed technique to paint Humpty.
Noe and Summer check Humpty out at the "doctor".
We also re-enacted Humpty's fate, by building block walls and seeing if he could balance.
All the king's horses took Humpty to the doctor.

An impromptu picnic became a haven for Humpty to get some TLC with Joy.
We also enjoyed the basic activities of the day. Joy really enjoyed painting on Wednesday.
Noe mentioned "Super Pets" and their capes, so we ended up putting capes on everyone!
Outside we painted the wall with water.
And Summer initiated turning our water-paint into muddy soup!
Thursday we made houses in the rocks with found sticks.
When working with the dot markers, Colin put them in a neat line and counted them all!
We made a picture with them together, taking turns with different colors. We also practiced screwing the lids back on.
Colin and Bridget had fun together outside this week.
Summer likes to take ALL the puzzles apart and them put them all back together at once. She is very good at this!
We also started a little beading - good eye-hand practice!